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Моя любимая игрушка
21.02.2011, 19:00

План- конспект открытого урока  «Моя любимая игрушка» по учебнику С.И. Азаровой " Millie-2”

Во 2 ю классе, проведённый в марте 2010 года.


Задачи и цели урока: Обобщить знания учащихся лексики по теме «Игрушки»; совершенствовать навыки чтения, , развивать навыки говорения;  проконтролировать рассказы учащимися о своих питомцах, воспитывать у учащихся познавательный интерес, расширять кругозор.




1. Организационный момент в виде беседы с учащимися о дне, дате, отсутствующих и задачах урока.


T. Hello, group! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? P. It’s March, the 16-th.

Today we’ll play  games, sing songs, read, talk a lot about toys .We’ll organize a competition and see which row has prepared for the lesson best of all.Let’s start our lesson .


2. Фонозарядка на базе слов и выражений по теме «Игрушки»


a) Listen to me and repeat after me the words and expressions:( слова на отдельных листах А3 на доске0

A ball, a bike, a car, a kite, a hat, a superhero, a teddy bear, a toy, sad, happy,  tired,

Bouncing a ball, catching a ball, flying a kite, riding a bike, playing with a ball, climbing a tree, swimming, drawing, running, skipping.


b) Now, we’ll play the game "Who makes less mistakes?”Let’s divide into 3 teams : the first row, the second row and the third row and see which row will make less mistakes reading and translating the words. Read the words and translate them into Russian. Do it in turn.

So the first  and the second row haven’t  made any mistakes, but the third row has made one mistake.

The first  and the second row are the winners of the game.


3. Речевая зарядка на базе вопросов по теме в режиме- Учитель- ученик 1,2,3


a) Answer my questions, please.

                                   Do you like climbing a tree?




                                                            catching a ball?

                                                          bouncing a ball?

                                                                 flying a kite?

                                                                riding a bike?

                                                       playing with a ball?

                                                      playing with a doll?             

                                                        playing with a car?

                                           playing with a teddy bear?

                                            playing with a superhero?

                                                 playing with a toy-cat?

                                               playing with a toy-dog?

b) Now, let’s play the game "Guess what I like” Ask me the questions.(Pupils1,2,3- teacher

                                   Do you like climbing a tree?




                                                            catching a ball?

                                                          bouncing a ball?

                                                                 flying a kite?

                                                                riding a bike?

                                                       playing with a ball?

                                                      playing with a doll?              

                                                        playing with a car?

                                           playing with a teddy bear?

                                            playing with a superhero?

                                                 playing with a toy-cat?

                                               playing with a toy-dog?

Answer: I like catching the ball.

5. Исполнение песни «My favourite toy”

Sing a song about your favourite toy. Sing loudly, mind your pronunciation.


What’s your favourite toy?

What’s your favourite toy?

What’s your favourite,

What’s your favourite,

What’s your favourite toy?


My favourite toy’s a ball.

My favourite toy’s a ball.

My favourite toy,

My favourite toy,

My favourite toy’s a ball.

6. Рассказы учащихся о своих любимых игрушках.(Игрушки они принесли на урок)

Speak about your toys, please. Tell us the colour, the size of the toy, what it can do. You’ll get marks for your retellings. Let’s see which row will get more points.


My favourite toy’s a doll. It is pink. It is big. My doll can go. I like playing with it.

Let’s count your marks and see which row has got more points.

7. Игра по учебнику. Выполнение упражнения 2 на странице 79.(В игре даны различные задания: вопросы, указания)

Sing a song. Draw a rabbit. Say a rhyme. Say my number.

What’s this? What colour is this? Have you got a pet? Can you fly? What’s your favourite toy? Do you like playing with a ball?

8. Итоги урока.

You’ve worked very well at the lesson, all pupils were active, but some of you have made grammar mistakes. Now your marks…


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