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Урок-игра «Путешествие на планету игр»

Задачи: Обобщить лексический материал по темам:»Дни недели», «Месяца года», «Цвета», «Внешность человека», «Предлоги». Активизировать употребление грамматических навыков, навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.

1. Приветствие учителя и детей. Объявление учителем о путешествии на планету игр.

T. Attention! Today we are going on a trip to the planet of games.
T. What date is it today? P. It is the 28-th of February.
T. What day of the week is today? P. It is Tuesday.
T. Do you want to go to the Planet of Games? Cl. Yes, of course we do.
Then let’s take a plane and start flying.
Класс делится на 2 группы. Ученикам даются карточки с цифрами. С одной стороны самолёта усаживаются ученики, имеющие чётные числа, по другую сторону садятся ученики, имеющие нечётные числа. Класс зашторен занавесками из тёмного цвета,на них пришиты звёздочки.
T. Boys and girls! Make yourselves comfortable. Start our flying! I’ll be your stewardess.(Звучит космическая музыка группы «Зодиак»)
T. Shut your eyes.
Ученики садятся удобно на свои места и под музыку летят. (Свет выключен)
После того,как музыка кончилась в класс входит звёздный мальчик.
P. Who are you?
The star boy: I am a Star Boy. (Мальчик одет в тёмную одежду, на нём накидка с пришитыми звёздочками, на голове корона со звездой)
Он вешает на доску красиво оформленный плакат со словами: You are welcome! The Planet of Games.
The Starkid: Now boys and girls let’s meet each other.
Ученики по очереди подходят к звёздному мальчику и называют свои имена.
Затем ребята садятся за парты. Мальчик показывает им красиво оформленную коробку с конвертами и говорит: You are on the Planet of games. You will play many games. The names of the games are in this magic box. Come to me and take one game, please.
Один из учеников подходит к мальчику и достаёт конверт с названием игры. В коробке даны следующие игры:
1-st Game "Black and white”.
Учитель называет слово, ученики должны назвать слово с противоположным значением. Слова вложены в конверт. За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает звёздочку.
Big-little, dark-light, short-long, good-bad, thick-thin, open-shut, old-new, high-low, happy-sad.
The 2-nd Game: "Alphabet.”
Прежде чем начать эту игру дети вспоминают английский алфавит, исполняя известную песенку "ABC”
Затем учитель вешает плакат со словами: corner, arm, dress, blue, sister, yellow, nose, green, tree, hat, pencil, room, open, face, I, leg.
Все ученики выполняют это задание на листочках. Звезду получает тот, кто быстрее всех и правильно запишет слова в алфавитном порядке. После того, как задание выполнено, учитель читает слова, расположенные в алфавитном порядке, ученики исправляют свои ошибки.
The 3-d Game "Make up a compound word”.
Учитель раскладывает на доске слова, написанные на карточках.
Class, teacher, boy, girl, school, yard, book, text, box, pencil, chair, arm.
T. You must make compound words as much as possible.
Звезда вручается тому, кто составил больше сложных слов, слова зачитываются учеником классу.
The 4-th Game "Ask the questions”.
Учитель показывает картинку. Игра проводится в виде аукциона. Ученики должны задать, как можно больше вопросов по картинке. За каждый правильный вопрос вручается звёздочка.
The 5-th Game "Draw the Picture”.
T. Now, children I’ll read you sentences. You must listen to them, understand them and draw what I’ll say.
Draw a brown table. A white plate on the table. A red apple on the plate. A yellow chair near the table. A blue ball under the table. A grey cat on the chair.
Ученики рисуют в своих тетрадях цветными карандашами.Звёздочки даются тем, у которых правильные рисунки.
The 6-th Game”The Heroes of Fairy-tales”.
В конверт вложены карточки с описанием героев общеизвестных сказок.
T. I’ll describe the heroes of fairy-tales. You must guess the names of them. Who’ll name the first, get the star.
1. She is a girl. She is a very good girl. She has a grandmother. Her grandmother is ill. She has a red hat and a very nice dress on. The girl is going to her grand mother.(Красная Шапочка)
2. This is a boy. His hair is fair. His eyes are blue. His nose is long. He has a nice shirt and shorts on. He has also a long red and white cap on. (Буратино)
3.This is a girl. She is a very nice girl. Her hair is long and blue. Her dress is nice. She has a friend. Her friend’s nose is long.(Мальвина)
4.This is a boy. He is not a good boy. He doesn’t like to study. He has a big blue hat on. (Незнайка)
5.This is a girl. She is a very little girl. She has a dress on a pond with frogs.(Дюймовочка)
The 7-th Game "Days. Months.”
Ученикам раздаются цифры от 1 до 7.
1-ой команде- задание- построиться по порядку и назвать дни недели.
2-ой команде- задание- построиться по порядку и назвать месяца года.
Звездочки вручаются тем, кто правильно называет дни и месяца.
The 8-th Game "Fant”.
В классе развешаны шары. В шарах даны карточки с заданиями. Каждый ученик подходит к шару, лопает его и выполняет задание, написанное на карточке.
T. Pupils, we have balloons in our classroom. Please, take them and try to take tasks from them. If you do your task well you’ll get a star.
В шарах следующие задания:
1.Count from 1 to 10.
2. Sing a song.
3. Recite a poem.
4. Go to the blackboard and write your name on it.
5.Count from 10 to 20.
6. Describe your mother.
7. Name the days of the week.
8. Name the months of the year.
9. Dance.
10. Say what you have on.
11. Describe yourself.
The 9-th Game”Our Classroom”.
В конверте дано описание класса, в котором они находятся.
При описании класса даны предложения в которых указано неверное количество предметов мебели. Задача учеников исправить учителя, подняв руку. Кто первый заметит ошибку и правильно исправит её, тот получает звёздочку.
T. I’ll describe the classroom. If I say the wrong sentences, raise your hands and correct me.
Our classroom.
Our classroom is not very large. It has 3 windows. There are 2 blackboards in it. There are 10 lamps in our classroom. There are 10 desks in the classroom. There are 2 chairs at each desk. There are 12 pupils in the class. There are many guests here.
The 10-th Game "Riddles”.
В конверте карточки с загадками. За каждую отгаданную загадку ученик получает звёздочку у звёздного мальчика.
T. Now, children, guess the riddles. If you guess them, you’ll get a star.
1. What’s this? It is in the classroom. It is big and black. It is on the wall. Pupils write with chalk on it.(a blackboard)
2.It is tall and green. I am in the garden or in the street.(a tree)
3. I am black and red and blue and green.I am in the pencil-box near you.(a pen, a pencil)
4. It is not a man, it is not a woman, but it teaches me. (a book)
5. It is white and cold and sweet. All children like it. (an ice-cream)
T. Now, boys and girls let’s count your stars. The team, which has more stars is the winner.
Звёздный мальчик поздравляет команду-победительницу,у которой большее количество звёздочек, затем под музыку группы «Зодиак» ученики возвращаются на землю.
T. Boys and girls! Let’s come back to our land. Shut your eyes. Make yourselves comfortable. Start our flying.( свет выключен)
T.Dear boys and girls, you’ve worked very well. Every pupil was active. I liked the way you answer, ask questions, do the tasks. I think all of you did the best. Now your marks:
The lesson is over. You may go. Good-bye!

Урок- соревнование « В мире продуктов» по учебнику Верещагиной И.Н. English-3.

Задачи и цели урока: Обобщить знания учащихся по теме « Употребление глаголов в Past Indefinite» и лексики по теме « Еда»; совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования, развивать способность обобщать, делать выводы, работать в группе; воспитывать у учащихся познавательный интерес, расширять кругозор.


1. Организационный момент в виде беседы с учащимися о дне, дате, отсутствующих и задачах урока.
T. Hello, group! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? P. It’s December, the 10-th.
Today we’ll play different games and see who the best is. We shall sing songs, read, talk a lot about food and do some grammar tasks.
Let’s start our lesson and divide into two teams. Everybody come up to me and take any stripe you like.
So, pupils with orange stripes are the first team, another team has yellow stripes. All of you have letters on your stripes. Guess the name of your team. The colour of the stripes will help you.
Your team is "Oranges” Another team is "Bananas”
Let’s start playing games. You’ll get fruit instead of points. Be ready to get as much fruit as you can. The team "Oranges” will get small paper oranges, the team” Bananas”- bananas. At the end of the lesson we’ll count them and see who has got more fruit. You’ll also get small prizes.

Game 1 "Sounds”
Repeat the words after me and guess the sound. Each right answer will give you one fruit. Let’s do it in turn.
1. drink, milk, fish, chicken, pizza, different.
2. eat, sweet, tea, cheese, meat, ice-cream.
3. apples, salad, drank, hamburger, jam, carrot.
4. eggs, bread, ate, lemon, spaghetti, vegetables.
5. food, cookies, pudding, sugar, took, put.
6. cup, hungry, butter, onion, plum, mushroom.
7. glass, banana, tomatoes, raspberries, garlic, mango.
8. coffee, porridge, chocolate, orange, chopsticks.
9. juice, soup, fruit, grew, spoon, cucumber, knew.
10. buy, ice, rice, knife, fries, try.
11 potatoes, tasty, make, made, cake, grapes.
12. bought, thought, water, strawberries, fork, corn.
13. know, grow, toast, bowl, cola.
14. thirsty, burger, were, surname, sir.

Game 2 "Questions”
Let’s know your likes and dislikes. Ask each other questions and answer them. You’ll get a fruit for each right question and answer.

What fruit do you like?
What vegetable do you like?
What drink do you like? I like……
What food do you like? I don’t like……..
What fruit don’t you like?
What vegetable don’t you like?
What drink don’t you like?
What food don’t you like?

Game 3 "Grouping”
Let’s check how well you know the words on the theme "Food”. Take the sheets of paper. Look at them. There are food products there. Your task is to divide them into 4 groups: Vegetables, Fruit, Drinks, Sweets. Each group has 7 words. Be quick. You’ll get one fruit for each right group.

A carrot, a banana, a tomato, a cucumber, a cake, coffee, an apple, a potato, cookies, milk, chocolate, a lemon, juice, tea, an orange, mineral water, jam, an onion, lemonade, a garlic, a grapefruit, ice-cream, a cabbage, a mango, sugar, cola, a pear, a sweet.

Vegetables: a carrot, a potato, a tomato, a cucumber, an onion, a garlic, a cabbage.
Fruit: a banana, an apple, a lemon, an orange, a grapefruit, a mango, a pear.
Drinks: coffee, tea, juice, mineral water, lemonade, cola, milk.
Sweets: a cake, cookies, chocolate, jam, ice-cream, sugar, a sweet.

Game 4 "Without”
People can make different dishes. Now, finish my sentences and say without what we can’t make it. Let’s do it in turn.
I can’t make tea without…….
I can’t make meat soup without……
I can’t make fish soup without…..
I can’t make fruit salad without…..
I can’t make vegetable salad without…..
I can’t make cheese without….
I can’t make orange juice without….
I can’t make ice-cream without….
I can’t make meat-balls without….
I can’t make coffee without….
I can’t make jam without…..
I can’t make porridge without….
I can’t make pizza without….
I can’t make apple juice without…

Game 5 "Dramatizing”
At our lesson we dramatized small dialogues. Remember them and be ready to dramatize them in one minute.
Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2
Nancy: You look terrible! What’s the matter? Liz: You look terrible! What’s the matter?
Kitty: I drank too much juice this morning. Polly: I ate too many cookies last night.
Nancy: How much juice did you drink? Liz: How many cookies did you eat?
Kitty: I drank so much juice that I’m never Polly: I ate so many cookies that I’m never
going to drink juice again. going to eat a cookie again.

Game 6 "Computer”
This game is for captains. Let’s see whose captain knows words best of all. The computer will give you points itself. You may use any computer game on the theme "Food”

Game 7 "Verbs”
Let’s remember the forms of the verbs. You’ll see the cards with 2 forms of the verbs. They are written in jumbled order. Your task is to guess and read them. Each right answer will give you one fruit. Let’s do it in turn.

Kinrd- dnark (drink-drank), tae-eta (eat-ate), yub-oubght (buy-bought), rgow-ewgr (grow-grew), eavh-dah (have-had), ese-was (see-saw), kmae-dame (make-made), vegi-gvea (give-gave), kate-ktoo (take-took), yas-dias (say-said), know-ewkn (know-knew), wsim-mswa (swim-swam), inkth-ughtot (think-thought), cemo-emac (come-came)

Game 8 "Song”
Sing a song about food. Sing loudly, mind your pronunciation.

He likes chicken. Part 1 He likes chicken. Part 2

He likes chicken, They like hamburgers,
Chicken, chicken Hamburgers, hamburgers
And salad too, And pizza too,
Salad too. Pizza too.

She likes spaghetti, I like chocolate,
Spaghetti, spaghetti Chocolate, chocolate
And pudding too, And orange too,
Pudding too. Orange too.

We all like jam,
Jam, jam
And water too,
Water too.
Game 9 "Feeling”
I need one pupil from each team who knows fruit and vegetables very well. The task is to feel the food with closed eyes and name it. You’ll get one fruit for right answer.

A tomato, a carrot, a potato, a cucumber, a lemon, a banana, an orange, an apple, a pear, an onion.

Game 10 "Correct the mistake”
I’ll give you sheets of paper with sentences. Your task is to correct the mistakes. Each correct answer will give you one fruit.

1. Mary were eight last month.
2. Kate ‘s father not was in Africa.
3. Who were at school yesterday?
4. The children was good at running.
5. Ann was happy yesterday?
6. When he was in Sochi?

Game 10 "Memory”
All pupils must take part in it. There is a small text on the sheet of paper There are 7 sentences in the text. Each pupil must remember one sentence in turn. The 1-st pupil- the first sentence and so on. Be very attentive and learn the text by heart. You can get 7 fruit for this game.

About Ann.
Ann goes shopping every day. She usually buys fruit and vegetables. Ann likes oranges and bananas. She doesn’t like sweets. She drank tea yesterday morning. She had soup for dinner. She ate salad for supper.

Game 11 "Poems”
We learnt a lot of poems about food at our lessons. Remember them and recite them, please.

Who likes what? What do I like? Jonathan Beam.

Some of us like brown bread, I like ice-cream. Jonathan Beam
Some of us like white, She likes sweets. Likes ice-cream
Some of us eat a lot of meat, I like cookies. And he is in bed today.
Some don’t think it’s right. He likes cheese. He doesn’t eat,
He doesn’t drink,
Some of us like apples, I like coffee. He doesn’t want to play.
Some drink juice at night, She likes tea.
Some of us eat many sweets, I love you.
Some don’t think it’s right. Do you love me?

Game 12 "Drawing”
Take pencils and draw what Robin ate. There must be 9 food products.
Listen to the poem.

Robin, Robin, what a man!
He ate as much as no one can
He ate much fish.
He ate a lot of meat.
He ate a lot of ice-cream.
He ate many sweets.
He ate many eggs.
He ate a lot of cookies.
He ate a cake.
He ate a lot of potatoes.
He ate many pizzas and then said:
"I have a stomach-ache.

Game 13 " Reading”

Read the words one by one in turn. You’ll get one fruit for each right word.

Words: eat, bread, sweet, make, apple, cup, different, tea, made, milk, juice, drink, glass, coffee, grow, drank, ate, ice-cream, egg, porridge, grew, soup, meat, fish, potato, fruit, vegetable, carrot, tasty, buy, orange, jam, water, salad, hamburger, cheese, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty.

So, the games are over. Let’s count your fruit. Who has more fruit? Oranges or Bananas?

Your prizes now. Bananas, take bananas, you- Oranges take oranges. I want you eat the right food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, they’ve got a lot of vitamins.

You’ve worked very well at the lesson, all pupils were active, but some of you have made grammar mistakes. Now your marks…

Сценарий праздника английского алфавита.

Организационный момент
• Приветствие
• Деление на команды. Выбор капитанов
• Представление членов жюри. Правила игры.
1. "АВС" (алфавит)
- Разминка (две команды вместе)
а) песня - алфавит
б) восстановить буквы по порядку и угадать, каких не хватает
- Guess the letter (Угадай букву)
а) нарисовать букву в воздухе.
б) нарисовать букву на спине
в) показать букву телом
2. Numbers (числа)
- Разминка (две команды вместе): считалочка. One potato...
- Bingo (таблицу заполняют капитаны)
- Примеры
3. "Маgic hat" (волшебная шляпа)
Каждый член команды по очереди достает, из мешка букву, называет ее, а также звук и слово на эту букву.
4. "Daisy" (ромашка)
Капитан каждой команды выбирает по 3 лепестка с вопросами.
- Сколько букв в английском алфавите?
- В каких странах мира говорят на английском языке?
- Назовите по-английски пять цветов.
- Назовите по-английски пять предметов, которые вы используете на уроках английского языка.
- Назовите по-английски 3 предмета мебели, которые находятся в классе.
- Назовите по-английски 5 животных.
- Назовите три приветствия по-английски
5. Pets (театральный конкурс)
Каждая команда загадывает пантомимой животное и спрашивает What is this?
6. Музыкальный конкурс
Исполнение песни сначала каждой командой отдельно, а потом все вместе (Old McDonald).
Организационный момент
- Подведение итогов конкурса
- Вручение дипломов
Материалы. необходимые для праздника:
- Счетные листы для жюри
- Значки и дипломы
- Кассета (песня об алфавите и для музыкального конкурса)
- Комплект букв алфавита
- Примеры
- Волшебный мешок
- Ромашка с вопросами

Среда, 05.02.2025, 13:30
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